Here is a list of questions and answers relating to a investment and Wealth Ladder Direct.

Why Wealth Ladder Direct?

What is the difference between Direct and Regular Plan?

Trust and security?

Is there any other transaction charges?

Data Security?

What is multi asset tracking platform?

What is the impact of expense ratio in my portfolio?

Is it worth the time and effort to switch to direct from regular?

What happens when Wealth Ladder Direct is no more?

Is exit load applicable while switching from regular to direct?

Is taxation applicable while switching from regular to direct?

How is it different from doing directly with AMC and through Wealth Ladder platform?

Can we switch the close ended and taxsaving schemes to Direct?

What are all the payment methods?

How can I transfer money for mutual fund purchase?

Refund process?

What is the cut off time for purchasing mutual funds?

How can I know the transaction status?

How Can I register through Wealth Ladder Direct?

What to do when I forgot my userid/password?

I am not able to login?

How can I add nominee in my account?

Is there a way of adding more than one nominee in my mutual fund?

Can an NRI register in our platform?

Is there a way of transferring from Direct schemes through AMC to Wealth Ladder Direct?

What is the escalation matrix?

Investment Advisory - Number of Complaints for the month of December 2020

All the beginning of the month Received during the month of December2020 - NIL Resolved during the month of December 2020 - NIL Pending at the end of the month - NIL Resons for pendancy

Disclosure as per Securities and Exchange Board of India ( Investment Advisors ) Regulations, 2013